Sunday, 24 October 2010

3D Japanese Nail Art & Hip Hop nails

Over the last six months or so I have become obsessed with wild nails. For years I have said 'I want nails like Lil Kim.' Lil Kim once had $100 dollar bill cut up and glued onto her acrylics. But my friends always talked me out of it. But being unemployed and having lots of time on my hands, literally, I have started to 'do my nails'.
3D nails have been in the press recently because of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Rihanna have had their nails done in that style. Japanese girls are obsessed with everything that is 'super cute' or kawaii. Japanese 3D nails are just one of the many aspects of kawaii that include; Hello Kitty, Pikachu, Japanese Anime, J-pop, girly clothes, pastels and ruffles, child-like writing.
The first 3D Nail Salon has opened up in the Camden Stables Market.
 I haven't tried to do my nails like those pictured above but I will be giving it a shot soon. Here's some photos of my nails...
teal & rhinstones
red & stars
blingity bling
purple passion
scott pilgrim influenced
goth french manicure
bollywood nails
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