Image by Getty Images via @daylifeFor the first time in years I am excited about Fashion again...Let me explain. I have always loved fashion and clothes since as long as I remember but since I left Fashion School I haven't bought a Fashion
Vogue, no
Elle, no
Harper's Bazaar. I felt that though I have a passion for fashion I didn't really follow the trends each season and I didn't need to buy these magazines to tell my what's 'In or Out'.
Also from 2006 - 2009 I was in Film School, not the most fashionable place. I was mostly wearing what was comfortable on set...jeans, t-shirts and hoodies...don't get me wrong, there were days where I dressed up. When we had our showcases I would out do everyone else and they'd be surprised that I wore dresses...I should've taken that as a hint.
And then last year I was unemployed after working at Border's for a year. My confidence took a beating and it was easier to just stay in sweats all day. I did try to 'get dressed' a couple times but I felt like what was the point?
Because I was unemployed and online all day I started to discover all the fashion bloggers...specifically, Tavi. She's the daughter I'll never have, she's me if I had the internet back in 1987 when I was 13, she's my new inspiration. I started this blog sometime last year and I am a little lazy with keeping it up...But not anymore! I've got opinions people and I'm going to yell them from the mountain tops that's the internet!
I'll be posting once a week, but hopefully more...fingers crossed.